Manage anxiety, stress, burnout and cravings using the power of mindfulness.
When life is a shit storm too often we turn to drinking to deal.
There's a better way and it's called mindfulness.
First, what is mindfulness?
A common misconception is that mindfulness is meditation- sitting crisscross applesauce in front of your buddha statue with incense and candles burning. While it’s true mediation is one type of mindfulness it is not the whole picture.
Mindfulness simply means being in the present moment. So often we are ruminating on the past or anxious about the future. Being mindful allows us to be present to the NOW and accept it without judgement. Mindfulness is all about accepting things as they are and not as we wish they were.
How can mindfulness help me?
Often, we find ourselves mindlessly reaching for a drink when we feel stressed, are at a party, or anywhere where drinking cues are. We automatically take a drink and the alcohol does its job- numbing our feelings.
Mindfulness gives your brain the space to check in and experience emotions. It lets your brain have space between wanting or craving a drink and actually performing the action of drinking. Often the feeling and craving will pass on their own.
The concepts and tools in mindfulness take practice. Mindful AF will provide you with the guidance, skills and space to learn this new way of thinking.
Mindful AF Includes
5 Myths about Mindfulness
About Your Instructor
Hi, I'm Deb Masner
I’m an alcohol free badass and I help people practice not drinking. I wasn’t always this way, in fact I had many day ones and felt like I was broken because I just couldn’t manage to get my drinking under control.
With lots of practice, patience and mindset changes I worked my way out of the drinking shame spiral and into an alcohol-free life.
Since I quit drinking, I’ve been studying and practicing mindfulness techniques. I no longer have the crutch of alcohol to turn to when I want to numb out.
I’m not a monk, guru, or woo hippie gal and I don’t own any magic crystals. I’m a down to earth nurse who has found that using mindfulness tools I can live a better life with less anxiety and stress.
For the last few years, I’ve been teaching mindfulness skills to nurses and healthcare workers to help them become more resilient and manage burnout. I am super thrilled that I’m now able to offer this program to you.
More tidbits about me:
Registered Nurse since 2004
Bachelor's Degrees in Psychology and Nursing
National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Recovery to Practice Certification from the National Association for Addiction Professionals
Certified SMART Recovery facilitator
Certified Mindfulness-Informed Professional (CMIP)
Founder of Alcohol Tipping Point, LLC
Mom of two ginger girls
Wife of 20 years
Mountain girl- born and raised in Idaho

Questions You Might Have
What does the AF stand for in Mindful AF?
In the alcohol free, sober curious world I'm part of AF stands for Alcohol-Free. And in the slang world AF stands for As F*ck. I think they both apply for this particular course.
What is the format of Mindful AF?
The content of Mindful AF is hosted in my private platform, Practice Better. There are 8 one-hour sessions along with mindfulness exercises and worksheets for each topic. The sessions are prior recordings from a previous live class. You can view at your own pace.
How much time do I need to complete the homework exercises? What will that look like?
The "homework" and exercises are optional. If you want to get the most out of mindfulness though I recommend practicing about 15–30 minutes a day. Different types of exercises include formal meditation and more informal daily practices.
I’ve tried meditation before and I’m not very good at it. How do I know that this program will be different?
A common misconception is that mindfulness is meditation- sitting crisscross applesauce in front of your buddha statue with incense and candles burning. While it’s true mediation is one type of mindfulness it is not the whole picture.
Mindfulness simply means being in the present moment. So often we are ruminating on the past or anxious about the future. Being mindful allows us to be present to the NOW and accept it without judgement.
At its core, mindfulness is about starting over again and again. Even if you feel like you’re not making ‘progress,’ if you have patience and try to practice regularly to the best of your ability, your efforts will pay off. In this program, we’ll approach mindfulness in a way that addresses all of tools of mindfulness not just meditation.
Is this a quit drinking program?
Mindful AF is for anyone who wants to use the tools of mindfulness to manage their thinking and navigate life more smoothly. Since I specialize in helping people change their drinking, I do share how these tools can help you in your alcohol-free journey. However, this is a broader picture of mindfulness itself and can be applied to all aspects of your life, not just drinking. If you want a program focusing on taking a break from drinking check out my monthly Alcoholiday.
Are the resources in Mindful AF based on scientific evidence?
Yes. Over 3,000 peer-reviewed research studies have validated the benefits of mindfulness, and everything in this program is underpinned by rigorous science and references.
What is the cost?
$149 USD is the cost for the full program. You can make payments as well. If finances are keeping you from joining please reach out. Scholarships are available.
The payment methods listed on your website don’t work for me. Are there alternatives?
Please contact me at deb@alcoholtippingpoint.com and we can discuss the options.
How do I sign up?
Visit this link to sign up: Mindful AF
I have another question! Can I reach out?
Of course! Please feel free to email me at deb@alcoholtippingpoint.com and we can chat.